"A society grows great when elders plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit"

Frequently asked Questions

Why plant trees?

Planting trees is a powerful and multifaceted contribution to the well-being of our planet. Here are some compelling reasons why planting trees is crucial:

  1. Combat Climate Change: Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and releasing oxygen. By planting trees, we enhance the planet's ability to sequester carbon, mitigating the effects of climate change.
  2. Biodiversity: Trees provide habitats for a diverse range of species, from insects to birds and mammals. Planting trees helps restore and maintain ecosystems, supporting the web of life and preserving biodiversity.
  3. Air and Water Quality: Trees play a vital role in improving air quality by filtering pollutants and releasing oxygen. They also contribute to water quality by preventing soil erosion and acting as natural filters, reducing the impact of pollutants on water bodies.
  4. Economic Benefits: Forests contribute to sustainable economies by providing resources such as timber, fruits, nuts, and medicinal plants. Planting trees supports local communities and enhances the resilience of ecosystems.
  5. Aesthetic and Recreational Value: Trees enhance the beauty of landscapes and provide recreational spaces for communities. Green spaces contribute to mental well-being, offering places for relaxation and outdoor activities.
  6. Erosion Prevention: Trees help prevent soil erosion by stabilizing the soil with their root systems. This is crucial for maintaining fertile land, preventing landslides, and preserving the integrity of ecosystems.
  7. Temperature Regulation: Forests play a role in regulating temperatures by providing shade and releasing water vapor through a process known as transpiration. This helps create local microclimates and contributes to cooling effects.
  8. Preservation of Natural Heritage: Planting trees aids in the restoration of ancient woodlands and historic places, preserving our natural heritage for future generations. It ensures that unique ecosystems and culturally significant landscapes are protected and sustained.

By choosing to plant trees, individuals contribute to a sustainable and resilient future, fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and the environment. Plantie.org empowers you to be a part of this positive change, one tree at a time.

How much CO2 does a tree absorb?

The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that a tree can absorb varies based on factors such as the tree species, age, climate, and environmental conditions. On average, a mature tree can absorb about 48 pounds (22 kilograms) of CO2 per year.

It's important to note that younger, rapidly growing trees tend to absorb CO2 at a higher rate than older, mature trees.

It's expect that over the course of a healthy trees lifetime - it can remove up to 1 Tonne of CO2 from the environment.

While the exact amount can vary, planting trees remains a valuable strategy for offsetting carbon emissions and combating climate change. The cumulative impact of a large number of trees over time can make a significant difference in reducing atmospheric CO2 levels.

Which tree species are being planted?

Species are chosen according to each project and its location. Species are selected based on the unique characteristics and location of each project. Planting initiatives encompass the establishment of woodlands, creation of wood pastures, orchards, and hedgerows. A diverse range of tree types and sizes has been incorporated, including native broadleaves, blossoming species for hedgerows, and juniper.

What will my purchase fund?

Your donation will ensure one new tree is planted in the UK. The amount will also fund the maintenance of new trees.

This can include the cost of the trees, tree guards, stakes, tools and mulch. The cost of the trees differs according to the size and species. We choose trees according to what is in keeping with the area and what will benefit local wildlife at that location.